Jar2Exe Icon


Wrap, protect and enhance your java program into binary file for Windows, Linux and Mac.


Jar2Exe is a redistribute solution for java programs. It makes it easy to start your java program. Generated binary file has many advanced features, such as "run as service", it is not only a java program.

Find JRE on host by itself
Generated binary executive will find JRE on host:

- Search JRE from System registry for SUN JRE and IBM JRE.
- Search JRE from local bundled 'jre' directory.
- Search JRE from JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable.
- On Linux, search JRE by following 'which java' to 'java' symbol link
- The search ways can be disabled or reordered.

Java version check before execute
Check java version greater and lower than a version:

- Check java version must be equal or greater than a version. (minjre)
- Check java version no higher than a version. (maxjre)
- To check java version is optional, it can be disabled.

Add an icon and version information to generated binary
To add icon and version to resource of generated binary executive file:

- One or more icons can be added into generated binary file.
- It is supported to set a file version and product version.
- It is supported to set a group of copy right descriptions.

Messages are customizable
Error messages can be customized, you can add more tips to your customers. Such as:

- Java runtime environment (JRE) not found on host
- JMain class (entrypoint of program) not found or not valid.
- JService install fail because of no privilege.
- JOther more than a dozen messages.

Wide compatibility
Jar2Exe and generated binary file has a wide compatibility:

- Jar2Exe supports to generate binary file for Windows and Linux and Mac OS X.
- Jar2Exe supports to generate 32 bits and 64 bits binary files.
- Generated binary files run with JRE from 1.2 to 1.7.
- Generated binary files are VC runtime library independent.
- Generated binary files for Linux are GLIBC independent.


- Support Java 5 ~ Java 21
- Support ARM MacOS and ARM Windows. (Binary for ARM MacOS needs to be codesigned before run.)


File Size
7.7 MB
Operating Systems
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
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